Argentina: road links Rota Nacional 12, in Entre Rios, to the Paraná beltway

Work considered fundamental for the productive development of the region reaches 70% of total progress and represents an investment of more than 3 billion pesos

The construction of three new interchanges on Rota Nacional 12, in the region of Entre Rios, Argentina, is progressing at an intense pace. In current values, more than 3,413 million pesos are being invested and the progress of the work is approximately 70.5%. The new stretch, in the form of a motorway, will create a direct connection, currently non-existent, between Rota Nacional 12 Sul and the Underwater Tunnel, the current physical connection with the province of Santa Fé.

At the same time, it will integrate Paraná with the rest of the region, boosting tourist activity and benefiting companies located in the city’s Industrial Park, which will save logistical costs. The works will also increase road safety and improve one of the most important accesses, allowing those who travel from the metropolitan area to study or work to reduce between 15 and 25 minutes every day.

The project starts at Km 451.14 of Rota Nacional 12, next to the bridge over El Saucesito River, and ends at the existing bridge over Avenida Almafuerte, with an approximate length of 3.8 km.

Currently, several tasks are carried out simultaneously, such as excavations for the widening of Avenida Jorge Newbery, the execution of the stabilized granular base, lower and upper bases of asphalt concrete, embankments and lower layers of the structural package.

By: Santelmo Camilo