Government of SP signs concession contract for the Northern Section of the Rodoanel (the Greater São Paulo Beltway)

Works should be resumed in the coming months; Via Appia FIP Infraestrutura will be responsible for completing the project budgeted at BRL 3.4 billion.

The governor of the State of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, authorized the signature of the concession contract for the Rodoanel Norte, in the public-private partnership (PPP) modality, after an auction in March. According to information released by the government of São Paulo, the winner of the tender, Via Appia FIP Infraestrutura, will be responsible for completing the project budgeted at BRL 3.4 billion, in addition to the maintenance and operation of the stretch for a period of 31 years. Delivery will fully conclude the Greater São Paulo ring road and is scheduled for the second half of 2026.

The winning consortium will be responsible for investing BRL 2 billion to complete the works, in addition to another BRL 324 million for the implementation of auxiliary projects. From the signature of the contract, in one month there will be the signature of the Initial Transfer Term and the subsequent start of deadlines for execution of works. The concessionaire will have a pre-construction period of up to one year to complete all the necessary surveys to resume the works.

The verification will cover stretches without completion of services and conditions of segments already executed to detail what will need to be redone or recovered, among other technical data. The information will be used in the executive projects of the interventions until the delivery of the entire Rodoanel Norte, in the second half of 2026.

There will also be an investment of BRL 1.8 billion throughout the concession for operation and maintenance of the road. The supervision will be in charge of Artesp.

100% discount

Also according to the government, the winning proposal presented a discount – a discount on the amount to be paid by the State Government – of 100% for the consideration of public services of operation, maintenance and realization of the necessary investments for the operation of the road system for 31 years. The value stipulated in the notice was R$ 51.4 million per year.

The Rodoanel Norte will be 44 km long on the main axis, with three or four lanes in each direction, passing through São Paulo, Arujá and Guarulhos. The improvements foresee the construction of seven double tunnels, 107 special civil engineering works, four stops for special loads, two User Assistance Service bases, two checkpoints and the installation of two weighing scales and monitoring cameras, in addition to services ambulances, tow trucks, water trucks and traffic inspection.

The undertaking should reduce the daily circulation of around 18 thousand trucks in the capital city and make it faster to cross Greater São Paulo in access to Santos. Environmental improvements are also planned, such as a 6% to 8% reduction in vehicular carbon dioxide emissions in the metropolitan region, the planting of trees in a total area of 1,000 hectares and the implementation of fauna crossings.

By: Santelmo Camilo