Brazil will have a specific fair for equipment rental companies

With the support and partnership of M&T EXPO, the 1st Analoc Rental Show will be held from July 12th to 14th, in Curitiba (PR), with an exhibition of machines and a congress designed in the leasing business ecosystem

Did you know that lessors are responsible for purchasing over 90% of some types of machinery supplied by the industry? However, until then there was no business fair in Brazil focused exclusively on this public, nor with an appropriate commercial bias. But starting this year, the 1st Analoc Rental Show will take place with the purpose of promoting a true mega-meeting with an equipment exhibition and congress, where renters from all Brazilian regions will be able to be face to face with manufacturers, to network with contracting companies and to update themselves with the main themes of their market.

The event will be held from July 12th to 14th, at Centro de Eventos Positivo, in Curitiba (PR), with the support and partnership of M&T EXPO. In parallel to the fair, the 4th Renters BR Meeting and the 9th National Congress of Rental Valuation take place, two important conferences in the calendar of attractions. In this way, Analoc Rental Show will move the entire ecosystem of the lessor, in an environment where it will be possible to strengthen relationships, generate business, learn about technologies, obtain special purchase conditions, in addition to participating in free lectures.

Expressive growth

The leasing market has shown significant growth in recent years. According to Federal Revenue data and estimates made by Analoc – Brazilian Association of Trade Unions and Representative Associations of Equipment, Machinery and Tools Lessors, the sector has approximately 40,100 companies in Brazil, which move R$ 28 billion in business.

“The number of rental companies is always growing, what changes is the intensity”, observes the president of Analoc, José Antônio Miranda. “In more than 80%, the sector is made up of small and micro-enterprises, and individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEI). When the market is more buying, consequently more companies emerge. Everything is very intertwined with the success of the economy”.

Eurimilson Daniel, vice-president of Analoc and Sobratema (Brazilian Association of Technology for Construction and Mining), estimates that the leasing sector will be the one with the highest growth for sales of Yellow Line machines in 2023.

“Currently, leasing is already responsible for acquiring a huge percentage of sales from manufacturers of different types of machines. Consumes 90 to 95% of derricks, cranes and aerial work platforms; from 70 to 80% of lighting towers; 65 to 75% of concrete mixers and 55 to 60% of generators”, he lists. According to Daniel, the leasing sector always has good growth prospects, because it has not yet reached a degree of maturity that stable economies have achieved. That is, it has not yet managed to contribute in all areas in the same proportion.

“As we can see, the segments of derricks, cranes, aerial work platforms, generators, compact machines, manuals and the light line have very high sales percentages for rental companies, while in the yellow line rental sales are even more timid, estimated at 30% in Brazil. In European countries, in the United States and Japan, for example, this percentage is 60%”, explains Daniel.

9th Rental Valuation Congress

The 1st Analoc Rental Show will be the stage for the traditional event marked by the union of the sector: the 9th National Congress of Rental Valuation. The participating public is made up of people with a decision-making profile at rental companies, interested in business updating, closer relationships and interactivity with other companies in the market.

In parallel to the congress, the 4th Renters BR Meeting will also take place to promote interactivity between the participating public, speakers, generation of ideas, networking and focus on the interests of equipment lessors. “The Locadores BR group always has the purpose of disseminating quality information. The congress will be an opportunity to connect the interests of the landlord with the source of information, providing a complete debate experience”, informs Douglas Pereira, organizer of the group.

By: Santelmo Camilo