Construction of Cidade do Samba 2 (City of Samba 2) should start this year in RJ

Construction of Cidade do Samba 2 (City of Samba 2) should start this year in RJ 

According to Mayor Eduardo Paes, the land is in the evaluation phase for the sheds to be erected 

The construction market has prospects for works in Rio de Janeiro’s carnival sector. Mayor Eduardo Paes recently announced the intention to start in 2023 the construction of the sheds of the Cidade do Samba 2 (City of Samba 2), for the Access Group (Grupo de Acesso) schools that parade in the Gold Series. 

According to the city hall, the land is in the evaluation phase, probably in the location of the future Gentileza terminal, near the Gasometer in the capital of Rio de Janeiro. Fourteen sheds will be needed, but there is only capacity for ten, so the public administration is evaluating what is possible to expropriate to build these spaces.  

During an interview with Rádio Globo, Eduardo Paes said that it is necessary to quickly find a place for the Access Group (Grupo de Acesso) schools in Rio de Janeiro. The idea is to start the work this year. 

The president of Riotur, Ronnie Aguiar, also gave some information about the construction of Cidade do Samba 2 (City of Samba 2), reiterating that it is a long-standing commitment. According to Aguiar, negotiations are well advanced for the land in the Port Zone, São Cristóvão, a region that will benefit and help the Access Group [Grupo de Acesso] schools. 

These associations are currently abandoned in the Port Zone of Rio de Janeiro, without adequate structure to maintain themselves. The Access Group, called the Gold Series, is commanded by Liga-RJ and is formed by 15 samba schools that parade on Carnival Friday and Saturday at Marquês de Sapucaí. 

Maintenance and revitalization works 

Last Saturday, the 11th, the Minister of Tourism, Daniela Carneiro, visited the production complex of allegories and costumes of the schools of the Special Group, in Rio de Janeiro. In the occasion, Daniela received a project that claims for investments from the federal government for maintenance works and revitalization of the City of Samba. 

The document was delivered by the president of the Independent League of Samba Schools (LIESA), Jorge Perlingeiro, who explained to the minister that the request of the entity goes far beyond the execution of works. The main goal is to transform the City of Samba into a business card for tourists arriving in Rio de Janeiro at any time of the year.  

According to the project, a corridor with several attractions can be created, starting at Praça Mauá, with the Museums of Tomorrow and Rio Art. Then comes the Valongo Pier [Cais do Valongo], passing through the Olympic Corridor, with the AquaRio and the Yupstar, the Ferris wheel, and finally, with the visit to the barracks, samba show and carioca gastronomy, in the City of Samba. 

By: Santelmo Camilo