Government will relaunch PAC (Brazilian Growth Acceleration Program), prioritize 'green' works and use application as an ally

Government will relaunch PAC (Brazilian Growth Acceleration Program), prioritize ‘green’ works and use application as an ally

States and municipalities will be able to send updated data to the federal government, to inform about paralyzed or delayed works

The new PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) should be launched by the government by the end of April and will prioritize the so-called ‘green projects’, in the scrutiny of the undertakings most likely to integrate the investment plan. Among the preferred sectors is sanitation, in view of the universalization goal.

As a result, an application will be launched so that states and municipalities can send information about stalled or delayed works to the federal government. Of a total of 417 undertakings demanded by the states, around 136 are road works, such as duplicating and paving roads, but there are dozens of infrastructure projects, ports, airports, health and education. However, the government reported that the ‘green’ modals will have more prominence in the plan, such as rail and waterway.

In this way, states and municipalities will be able to validate the information so that they can have a reference of which works are stopped in the country, which are at a slow pace, degree of execution, whether or not it is possible to resume. The idea will be to filter what is received from the governors and merge what is approved of these items with the resumption of various works of the previous government.

By: Santelmo Camilo