Recovery works on the RN 151 advance in La Pampa, Argentina

Recovery works on the RN 151 advance in La Pampa, Argentina

A junction and connection with national roads will be remodeled, which channel the country’s traffic to tourist areas

Intervention works on National Route 151 advance, in La Pampa, Argentina, with the execution of asphalt mass in the section between Cruce del Desierto (Provincial Route 20) and the city of Puelén. According to the country’s Ministry of Public Works and National Roads, the works have a total period of 60 months to be carried out, with the aim to restore traffic and safety conditions, as well as maintaining the road’s structural capacity.

It is a relevant national highway for Argentine mobility, affected by a degradation advanced degree that has been taking place over decades and is understood as a historical need to be resolved.

Among the works, the junction with PR 20 will be remodeled, located at Km 157.55, which is one of the connections to national roads 152 and 35, responsible for channeling traffic from the North and West of the country to tourist areas, such as San Martín de los Andes and Bariloche, among others.

The RN 151 is in the west of the province, with a south-north direction, starting at the border with the province of Rio Negro and ending at the junction with the RN 143, 21 kilometers from Santa Isabel, with development in the pampeana zone, a territory of 166 kilometers, crossing departments of Puelén and Chical Co . RN 151 route that crosses Province of La Pampa forms a national corridor of great socioeconomic importance for the immediate area and a wider region, due to different traffic flows through that route.