Uruguay to invest US$ 900 million in road works

In a period of five years, the total resources allocated to works in this area should reach US$ 3.7 billion

The continuation of the perimeter ring road from Route 5 to Route 1, as well as the construction of Route 6 and new duplication sections on Route 5, are the most outstanding works expected to take place in Uruguay in 2023. According to the minister of transport and public works, José Luis Falero, this year investments will be similar to those made in 2022, in the order of US$ 900 million.

Over a period of five years, the total value should reach US$ 3.7 billion. According to Falero, investment in this area is essential to start adapting the road network to the flow of vehicles and cargo handling needs. Therefore, in addition to work on the roads themselves, routes and access points to urban centers are being built, with the installation of radar systems to guarantee safety.

At the end of last year, the duplication of Route 3 was inaugurated, from Route 1 to the city of San José; the western access to Montevideo, with the new viaduct; the junction at the intersection of highways 8 and 11 and access to the Barra del Chuy resort, in the department of Rocha. In January, two important works were inaugurated: the Centenary Bridge over the Rio Negro, which improved road safety in the urban section of Paso dos Toros; and the Picada Oribe bridge, which connects San Gregorio de Polanco to La Paloma, in Durazno.

The minister also announced the completion of works on Route 6, one of the main routes into and out of Montevideo, essential to relieve traffic on the usual roads. Regarding the continuation of the Perimeter Ring, Falero explained that this work will unite Routes 5 and 1, in a two-way detour, allowing traffic from the West Coast of the country to Rocha, without passing through Montevideo. This is a fundamental work to deviate vehicles used in transport of loads from the capital.

Regarding the construction of bridges, the minister recalled that works are being carried out on all important national roads, to adapt them to the load and width necessary for proper flow of vehicles.

By: Santelmo Camilo